Brandon Frere CEO and Entrepreneur on the Value of Getting Help and Helping Others
Asking for help can be tough. While many see it as a sign of weakness, Brandon Demond Frere, CEO of Frere Enterprises, believes it is a sign of strength. By constantly expressing his appreciation of those who help him to meet his goals, he accepts and even celebrates the assistance that he receives from others. His collaborative management style means that he helps those around him challenge themselves to exceed their expectations, and knowing when to ask for help is essential to that process. “No one can do everything him or herself,” said Frere. “There always comes a time when a company needs help, and the leaders of that company shouldn’t be ashamed when that time comes. I believe that companies that offer services to their clients are offering a form of assistance, and I’m proud to offer such assistance whenever I can.” Perhaps one of the most important benefits of asking for help and assisting others is that it fosters a sense of community. Whether individuals need help at w...